In Honor of St. Valentines Day-Introducing "Get to the Point" Greeting Cards

Happy Wednesday! I've always dreamed of creating a greeting card line of products, but I always felt inferior to those already established in the greeting card industry. I felt that I had nothing special to say or to share that wasn't already said or shared.  But this year, I decided that I would make this dream a reality, so here I am.

This year, I am sharing my line of unique, recycled, handmade, customizable, rustic, get-to-the-point cards with a concise message.  My cards represent moments in life, when words are most important, those times when a picture just won't do. Some messages reflect my personal experiences. For example, when my husband was ready to start a family after two years into our marriage, he asked me to be his "Baby Mama" which was to us, was a hilarious choice of words...My Aunt Di constantly tells my Uncle Don that she is "SO in love" with him.

So, inspired by life, these cards have become a reality...

I would love to hear your comments!



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