6 Easy Steps Toward Achieving ANY Goal

During the year, and especially in January, I focus on my vision and goals for the year.  I take time to revisit my dreams and reshape the ones which are no longer congruent with my vision and purpose.  I have accomplished so much in 2016 by using the following 6 Easy Steps Toward Achieving ANY Goal, and I wish to share them with you:


At the beginning of the year, (and really every day,) I take a moment to reflect on what I already have.  I figure if I am not thankful for what I already have, then how can I appreciate the success to come?  I take a moment to remember the blessings and the things I have received so far.  I think of the people and situations that made these blessings possible.  I am thankful for my successes, and all I have achieved so far.  I appreciate the lessons I have learned, and the wisdom gained from perceived failures.  I have gratitude for everything in my life and business.


Everyday, I try to make sure that each action is intentionally congruent with my vision for my life and business.  I consistently ask myself these questions and write down the answers:

-What do I truly want in life?
-What do I need right now to manifest my vision and to bring it into reality?
-What is my purpose?
-Who can I serve?
-What are my core values?


Some of my core values are honesty, self-awareness, compassion, living simply, helping others, kindness, freedom, and creativity.  I have used these core values to shape my vision, and I use my vision to design the goals for my life.  For example, taking the core values of self-awareness, compassion, creativity, and helping others, my Vision Statement includes inspiring others to become more self-aware and to create change into their lives through journaling.  I share more about this below.


Guided by my vision and what I see for my future life and business, I write down 3-5 long-term goals (what I want to accomplish in the next 1-5 years,) and I write down 3-5 short-term goals (what I want to accomplish in 6-12 months.)  These goals are priorities that are based on my core values.  I never set a goal that is inconsistent with my values.  Writing your goals, instead of just verbalizing them, allows them to become real. You become more accountable to what you put on paper.

I use the following SMART Goals system:

Specific: it is so important to be specific when setting your goals.  If you set a vague goal, you cannot create significant steps towards achieving that goal.  You will never have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. 

For Example:

Vague goal: "I will lose weight."
Specific goal: "I will lose 30 pounds."

Measureable: simply put, establishing a baseline or a starting point of where you are right now, allows you to have something by which to measure your success. 

For example: 

"Right now, I weight 100 pounds" (this is the baseline.) Using this baseline, you will know that you achieved your goal when you weigh 70 pounds because you know from where you started.

Achievable and Attainable: in order to be successful in accomplishing your goals, they have to be set where you can achieve them.  Now I believe that one should set challenging goals and reach for the stars, but it's easy to feel like a failure if the goal is unattainable.

Realistic: as you set your goals, ask yourself if your goal is realistic for YOU.  I once set a goal to make $100,000 in 12 months.  Where this goal may have been achievable and realistic for me, it certainly wasn't at the time.  With a new baby, a new home, and many other responsibilities other than my business, making $100,000 was not the main priority.  This goal wasn't realistic for me because I did not have the time, energy, or education necessary to attain it.

Timely: the timeframe of your goal works with alongside of being attainable and realistic.  Don't put your goal on a timeframe in which it isn't possible to accomplish. This creates negative feelings of failure and un-achievement.  Setting a timeframe of 5 years by which to make $100,000 may have been more realistic for me.  Losing 30 pounds in two days is not realistic, and the person trying to accomplish this goal will fail.  However, losing 30 healthy pounds in 30 days may be more realistic, thus making it achievable and leading to positive feelings of accomplishment.


Write down how each goal will contribute to your vision.


Break down larger more expansive goals into smaller manageable parts. I call these parts, "mini goals." For each mini goal, create action steps to complete. Don't forget to include your time frame!

I love the action steps because each one completed, adds momentum, fosters greater self-confidence, and creates success.

I truly hope this helps you as it has helped me.  Don't forget to stay focused and consistent!

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Xo Nicole

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