A Poem About Life

Imagine being so excited, filled with anticipation and energy! Imagine being elated to actually do something you have always wanted to do-but there's just one little problem...
A Poem
You've practiced the part
Of the awesome host
You've prepared a dinner
better than most
You've cooked
You've baked
You stayed up so late
For this awesome opportunity
-this dinner date
Your guests, they arrive!
With smiles on their faces
You welcome them in
All sit in their places
But then the door opens
And the evening grows still
The last guest enters
With his powerful will
Your excitement is gone
Your energy fades
Your confidence wanes
Despite the efforts you've made
You doubt your abilities
Your courage, your growth
The truth is you will NEVER
Be that awesome host
Your ambition, your joy
Have started to simmer
Because no one's a winner
...when FEAR comes to dinner
Xo Nicole

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